Saturday, March 26, 2011

Choosing the right weight lifting bench

Nowadays, weight training is the essential routine that makes up a big part of any exercise program, be it for professional or beginners who are exercising just to lose weight. Weight training helps a person to sculpt the body while staying healthy and fit. In any reputable gym, you would find various weight machines designed to work the different muscles in your body but most people still gravitate towards free weights as the equipment of choice when it comes to weight lifting programs. If you are working with free weights, then you would most likely need to purchase a weight lifting bench. Before you rush out and buy the first available bench, there are a couple of thing you need to consider before making the purchase decision.

Setting you fitness goals

When you want to purchase a weight lifting bench, you need to consider what your exercise goals are. You need to ask yourself if you are working out to build muscles, lose weight or both. How will the weight lifting bench help you achieve your goals? Knowing your fitnesss goals will help you make the right decision.

Choosing the right design

The selection of weight lifting bench available these days are beyond imaginable. There are flat weight benches,, adjustable benches, benches that offer an extension for leg curls and more. It is important to know what you intend to do with the bench so that you can find one that suits your needs. As you would be putting it in the gym room, the design of the weight lifting bench has to be in tandem with the existing design, color scheme and more importantly, available space.

Get a high quality bench

Getting a high quality bench is important as you definitely do not want it to break down while you are using it. Also it doesn’t mean that the most expensive bench has the best quality. Take some time to read the product reviews and research the brands to find the best ones available out there.

Set a budget

You need to plan how much you are willing to spend on the weight lifting bench. The important thing here is to remember that although your budget may be small, you can still get quality equipment at bargain basement prices through discount stores or through the internet. Just don’t go with the cheapest one you can find and regret making the decision later. Whether browsing the internet or strolling down main street looking for a exercise equipment supplier, having a thorough research into the products may yield a high quality weight lifting bench at a fraction of the original prize.

The above are but only a few things that you would want to take note when you are out work trying to find the best weight lifting bench to suit your needs.

Alternative remedies for Actopic Eczema

Actopic eczema or atopic dermatitis is a skin disorder that is hereditary and especially prevalent in families who are also asthma sufferers. The symptoms of actopic eczema are dry skin patches and itchiness around the head, neck, elbows and knees. This skin disorder is becoming very common especially in the developed countries for reasons yet to be determined.

If you one of the sufferers of actopic eczema and have been using steroids based medication or cortisone creams to alleviate the itching, you will probably want to know if there is a better and safer alternative to treat this disease. Although cortisone creams and steroids provide immediate relief, it is not recommended for long term usage, so it is important to find alternative remedies for this problem.

I am also a sufferer of actopic eczema and know the pain and irritation that comes with the disease. In my search for alternative medication, I found that taking borage oil, flax seed oil and constantly moisturizing the skin helps relieve the irritation and pain. I also drank lots of water, consumed probiotics and kept out of the sun a lot. It is best to avoid moisturizers which are alcohol based because it tends to irritate the skin further. When you have this disease, it is prudent to be checking on the labels so that you know what the ingredients in the things you use. For example, harsh soaps and detergents should never come into contact with your skin. It is best to go with non-allergenic products to be on the safe side.

Many experts that I have come across recommend avoiding peanut and soy based products as it can trigger another bout of eczema. Some other experts recommend eating food with lots of good oil as a natural shield against eczema. I am not sure if this is true but be prepared to try anything in your search for an alternative cure.

It is very important to hydrate the body when you are suffering from actopic eczema. Drinking lots of water will keep the skin moist. Tea and coffee does not count as water because they are diuretics which cause the body to lose even more water.

When you shower, try not to use warm water but try lukewarm water instead. This is because warm water dries the skin more than cold water. Also when you are out of the shower, do not rub the skin harshly with the towel. Rubbing the skin will definitely ease the itchiness but at the price of further infecting the other parts of the body. Keeping your fingernails short is another important element of good personal hygiene needed to keep actopic eczema at bay.

Finally, try not to be stressful at work or at home. Stress is a known cause of actopic eczema so keep stress away will be a natural remedy for the skin disorder.

Did You Know Who Invented the Catapult?

Have you ever wondered who invented the catapult? A little research on the internet showed that the device was actually invented in Russia, where it was called a “Rogatka” or slingshot. Based on this theory, these Russians who invented the catapult probably did it around circa 1888 as there was no documentation of any such device before that time.

The people who invented the catapult initially used vulcanized rubber in the construction of the classic device. The most common source for the rubber came from the inner tube of a type. The frame of the catapult was made from the fork of a tree branch. It was found that branches from the Dogwood tree in particular makes good catapult frames. Up until the end of World War 2, catapults were considered only as a child toys.

It was in 1949 that the Wham-O company first mass produced the modern catapult, which had the first ever wrist branch slashed slingshot. In 1954, the Saunder “Wrist-Rocket”was introduced. This highly accurate and fast catapult changed the face of the catapult from a harmless children toy to a weapon. It featured a ammo pouch. Power bands, guidance collar and wear-reducing prongs. Because of the rubber used in the bands, catapults are usually kept away from sunlight and in the water so that the rubber does not crack or stiffen. If the rubber is not kept in this way, then it would lose a lot of its elasticity. Instead of tree branches, modern catapults now use metal rod frames to prevent injuries caused by the branch breaking and to improve accuracy

In the early days, almost anything can be used as the ammo for the catapult. Often you see children playing with rubbers seeds or water bombs with the catapult. When the intention of using the catapult became more sinister, stones and other hard items were used. Nowadays, the most popular ammo

for catapult enthusiast is the ½” steel shot. This is a specialized ammo made from steel which actually looks like the bullets for the turn of the century weapons.

Today, while catapults still remain a children’s favourite, its commercial counterparts are be highly accurate and dangerous as a weapon. Because of its dangerous nature, there are laws governing the sale and shipping of the weapon. There are some states in America where you cannot be shipped to, as it is against the law.

Assembling A Cheese Plate

Just as drinking wine become more prevalent during dinner parties rather than the standard beer or hard liquor, having a cheese platter is also replacing the dessert as the perfect after dinner item to substitute the dessert course. This is also very much in vogue with the fitness and health programs for many people who have abstained from sugar.

There are no set guidelines to assembling a cheese plate but like anything else we do, it has to have the right balance and feel to go with the wine and other food items. For example, having a plate filled with different type of blue cheese is definitely too strong for beginners. Therefore, here are some tips you can consider when trying to assemble your own cheese plate.

For a start, your cheese plate should have variety but it doesn’t have to be 12 different kinds of cheese. One of the easiest rules to remember is to try and have a variety of hard, soft and strong cheeses for your plate. In this case, you would want to have a blue cheese variant like Roquefort, a hard cheese like Cheddar and a soft cheese like brie to complete your cheese plate. This is the most basic and easiest way of assembling a cheese plate.

The other way that is popular among cheese aficionados is using the cheese from the same country or region. This creates a theme for your cheese plate. For example, you might want to select all French cheeses so you can have a selection of Camembert, Boursin, Mimolette and Chevre for your platter to complete the French theme.

Once you have decided what to buy, you need to decide how much to buy. This would depend on the number in your dinner party but it is safe to purchase about two to three ounces per person if you have about 4 varieties. You may not need that much if you are serving other items such as fruits or biscuits with the plate. Nonetheless, it is always better to have more than not enough for your guest. Moreover, any leftovers can be kept refrigerate to be enjoyed at a later time.

After you have gathered all the items, you need to present it in an appealing manner. You can make use of your wooden cutting board as the base for your cheeses. The wooden board will make a good cutting surface when your guests are enjoying themselves. Also try to use a separate knife for the different varieties. This is to ensure that the taste and flavor from each variety do not get mix up as you would with just one knife.