Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Definition of Discrimination

The definition of discrimination is the act of prejudice against a person because they have a certain set of characteristics. Discriminated characteristics ca include disability, age, gender reassignment, religion, race, sex and sexual orientation. Discrimination can take many forms but in many countries around the world there are laws prohibiting any form of discrimination. In the United States, employment laws are very strict regarding discrimination and the laws serve to protect individuals from being discriminated in the workplace. The laws also serve to guide employers on acceptable conduct for its employees with regards to discrimination.
As said, discrimination can take many forms. Among those identified are:
1) Direct discrimination – This is the most clear cut case of discrimination as the individual is treated less fairly due to the characteristics described above. For instance, when a person is denied employment just because he is gay, that is direct discrimination.

2) Associative Discrimination – This form of discrimination happens when someone is discriminated against just because they are associated with some individuals who have the above characteristics. For example, a family who has a member with aid is shunned by the neighbourhood just because of their association with the aids patient.

3) Discrimination by Perception – This form of discrimination is the generalization of the discriminated characteristic. For instance, just because a gay person has Aids it doesn’t mean all gays have aids.

4) Indirect Discrimination – When an employer forces a specific set of requirements on its employees, it may count as an indirect discrimination. An example of this being a company requiring all employees to work overtime. This threatens the livelihood for those who cannot comply with the requirement for certain reasons.

5) Harrassment – When an employee is being harassed in the workplace because of being gay or being a woman, then it applies as a case of discrimination as well.

6) Third party Harassment – Employers are also liable for harassment cases even if they are not part of full time staff but have an association with the company. For example, when a supplier of the company is constantly harassing the employees, the company is liable to be sued for discrimination if the employee wants to take action.

7) Victimisation – This form of discrimination happens when an employee who have blown the whistle on discriminatory practises in the company, is given less favourable treatment because of doing the right thing.

Discrimination is very common in the workplace because there are few people who want to take action. Only with stringent laws and constant education in the workplace, can discrimination be eliminated

Your rights when purchasing a digital product

Do you know you can be committing an offence when you pass on your digital products to a friend? Many of you do not understand your rights when purchasing a digital product and can easily get into problems with the authorities. Most digital products bought through a digital download be it software, e-books or audio files will come with some sort of digital license. This license may range from personal use to resale or full ownership. By understanding the differences in the licenses, you will be able to fully understand your rights when purchasing a digital product.
The simplest digital license is the purchase of a digital product for personal or individual use only. Usually developers or company protect the product by inserting the need for activation code or keys which must be purchased before the product can be activated.

Another form of license for individual use is the giveaway product. The products are given away free to the individual but it cannot be resold. The person receiving it also cannot make any changes to the product. The only exception to this is when it involves rebranding rights. For giveaway product which can be rebranded, it is common for the purchaser to replace product links from the company with his own affiliate links.
There are two digital rights which can be resold. One is the resale right and the other master resale right. Resale rights means that the purchaser can resell the product but cannot resell the product’s rights. On the other hand, master resale rights allow the purchaser to sell both the product and the rights to another.

If you intend to change the product in one way or another, then you need to have a private label right or PLR. This right allows the purchaser to customize the content or product in any which way needed. However, do keep in mind, having a product PLR does not automatically mean that it comes with resell rights, unless it is specially written in the contract.

The last license relates to internet articles from free articles sites. Most of these website allow users to reprint the articles but it has to be exactly as it is, including the author’s profile. The uses of the articles are bonded by the site’s terms and conditions so do remember to read the fine print.

While it is technically not a right or license per se, it is worth mentioning the information found on the public domain. As long as a product is in the public domain, it means that there is no copyright or license governing the use of the product. Therefore any content or information in the public domain can be used freely.

Poverty levels in the US

The issue of poverty in the US is a surprise to many people. How it is possible that first world nation like America experiences something like poverty, Although the poverty level in the US is lower than in out underdeveloped nations, the issue is very real. Rural communities and inner cities across the country are all experience some form of poverty.

In 2004, the government defined the poverty level as family with four members living with a household income of less than $19,000. However considering the increase in cost for housing, food, healthcare and utilities, this income level seems really low.

Poverty affects Americans in many ways. For example, those affected by poverty cannot afford better food. This in turn affects their health making studying or working more difficult. Those who cannot work or study will then be even deeper under the poverty line. This circle goes on and on. Besides this, poverty also raises some social issues like racism, discrimination and increase in crime levels.

With more than thirty five million people living under the poverty in the country, this issue is one of the country’s biggest problems currently. It will require a lot of imagination and effort to even think about solving this problem. To be able to solve this issue, one has to look at the cultivation of dreams and talents among these Americans.

One of the ways to get out of the circle of doom described above is through education. Children should have equal access to education, no matter what the social class the child is in. The government has to ensure that the education is provided to the poor. This is done by taxing the haves and subsidizing the have-nots. Every citizen should be made aware that poverty is not an isolated problem and will have drastic affects on everyone living in American even if they are above the poverty line.

At least this issue of poverty has been recognized by some not for profit organization who has begun to work against poverty in the country. Organization like the Catholic Campaign for Human Development aims to turn America into a more caring society where poverty is seen as an enemy of the state. Another program, the Clemente Course aims to provide the underprivileged with an education program and offers courses in humanities for those not able to make it to college.

How to choose basin faucets?

One of the most distinguished features and perhaps the first thing people take notice when entering the bathroom is the bathroom basin faucets. Therefore it is important you choose the right faucet as it is a chance to impress would be visitors to your home.

The first thing to consider when choosing basin faucets is the finishing. If the interior decoration in your house has a contemporary feel, then the basin faucet should be in chrome or stainless steel finishing, giving it the modern, shiny look. On the other hand, if the theme is more classical, then copper or bronze finishing would be more appropriate. Lastly, if you want to show off your wealth, go for the gold or marble for the lavish look.

Next you would want to consider the style of the faucet spout. If you have a small basin, then perhaps it is best to go with the single spout. It is the most common type available. Both cold and hot water comes out through the single spout. Alternatively, if you have a more lavish bathroom and a bigger sink, then the twin spout basin faucet is ideal for your bathroom. This assembly comes with two spouts, one each for cold and hot water respectively. Also if you want something different for your bathroom, try mounting basin faucets on the wall rather than attaching it to the sink as in most bathroom assemblies.

Once you have decided on your choices, make sure you get the materials from a reliable manufacturer. They may cost a little more but the products will likely last longer and you don’t have to worry about corrosion and leaks for many years. A chat with your local handyman or even a search on the internet will give you all that you need to know about basin faucets.